VR Gallery Walk: The Positive Customer Experience

Opening screen of a virtual reality gallery walk entitled 'The Positive Customer Experience.'

An immersive virtual reality guided tour enables you to experience a positive customer experience at a restaurant, from arrival to departure.

Authoring Tool: ArtSteps, Canva

Overview: For my capstone project, I’ve designed an onboarding course for new employees at a small, family-owned restaurant. The course includes a module on customer service essentials. As part of that module, I included a lesson on the positive customer experience: what it entails, how restaurant staff can contribute and influence that experience, and why it’s important. In keeping with emerging technology and trends in instructional design, I chose to incorporate an immersive virtual reality activity that would be informative but also engaging for the learner.

Purpose: This virtual reality walk enables the learner to follow along with a positive customer experience at a restaurant from start to finish. The goal of the learning activity is to break the positive customer experience into clear procedural steps. Understanding what results in high customer satisfaction leads to understanding why positive experiences translate into success and growth for the restaurant, thus addressing a key outcome for the module.

Process: I consulted with the client, whose family owns the restaurant; he served as a subject matter expert for this project. Through an interview, I determined what an ideal and positive customer experience would look like at their restaurant. Next, I segmented the experience into “tour stops” that would be built into the VR gallery walk. For each tour stop, I created a short explainer video or simple infographic “poster” that would hang on the wall. After writing a script that covered each stop, I recorded narration so learners would have audio as an accessible alternative. I turned my script into captions for the tour stops and will be adding a written transcript for each infographic, increasing accessibility for learners with visual impairments.

It was important to scaffold the information so that it would provide beginners with a solid foundation without excess cognitive load. To achieve this, I made sure each tour stop was focused and concise. I also designed an accompanying graphic organizer for learners to fill out and use as a note-taking tool during the VR walk. They would be able to jot down their takeaways from each stop and then refer to the worksheet later if they needed additional reinforcement for the module’s concepts.

Related Resources: Graphic Organizer – The Positive Customer Experience

VR Gallery Walk: The Positive Customer Experience
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